Special application

Product-specific tools are designed to meet the specific needs of customers and are customized to meet their unique requirements. These tools are designed to optimize the production process and increase efficiency, making them an ideal solution for companies looking to streamline their operations.


The design of the machines is customized according to the working process, the degree of automation and the application. On request, we design our special machines and assemblies in such a way that they can be easily integrated into existing production lines or machine concepts. We optimize our special machines by means of various parameters, such as: work processes, process times, safety, flexibility, ease of operation, quality of applications, service life of machines and tools.

What make us special

Whether you're looking for a specific welding machine or a complete automation system, Fi Automazione has the expertise and resources to deliver the solution that's right for you.
FI Automazione S.r.l.
Via Roma 30
12030 Caramagna Piemonte - CN
VAT 02242980049 - CF 03064390176 - Share capital 156.000 € iv - Registration in Reg. CN-03064390176 - REA 155390