When schools dialogue with companies (La Stampa)
The "Alternanza scuola lavoro" provides many young people with an important cultural and professional background for the future.
At last the school has a concrete dialogue with companies’. Professor Giancarlo Cardone, contact person for the internships at Cigna-Baruffi-Garelli in Mondovì, never has time to do everything, but he believes in the school-to-work alternation that, in the province, involves thousands of young people, almost all those in the third and fourth classes (in some cases also in the second and fifth).
The law imposes 200 hours in high schools, 400 in technical and professional institutes, a part in the classroom as training or simulated company, the rest in companies, professional firms, public bodies. The aim: to create a close relationship between schools and production realities, so as to move ‘from theory to practice’.
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